So lately I have gotten hooked reading some of your blogs, and it is such a fun way to keep up with you all that I have decided to attempt to write my own. My good friend Rory encouraged me to do so as a way to document and share the ever-constant projects that my wonderful (and very handy) husband, Noah, and I have been taking on as new homeowners and newlyweds. I am currently in a time of transition as I will be starting a new job in a week, so I figured what better time than now to start?
Now, to begin... a little history for any of you who may not know us so well, or may just have stumbled on this blog:
Noah and I both grew up in the same rural area of Idaho along the Clearwater River. However, I didn't meet Noah until his Senior year of high school when he transferred to Kamiah in 1997 (I was just a Freshman). So, we were friends for a time in high school, but long story short he left and went off to college in Arizona, and I went on to finish high school and college at Washington State University (Go Cougs!).
Fast forward 9 years (to 2006), and I was working for a consulting firm in Seattle, and Noah was living in San Diego working for 24 Hour Fitness as a Sales Manager. My work sent me to San Diego for a couple of months on a project, which reunited us. Four months later Noah moved to Seattle, and two years later we married (July 2009). The same month that we got married, we also bought our first home and moved out to the 'burbs.
Which brings us to today. We have been married and homeowners now for ten months! The travel schedule and demands of my old job just got too much, so I found a new job which is close to home that will allow me the time and energy to invest in my home and community. I am so excited to settle in and feel connected again! I hope you will enjoy following along with us as we work to establish our home and contribute to our community.
Noah's High School Graduation:
Shish-kebabs in Turkey:
SCUBA Diving in Mexico:
The Proposal:
The Wedding:
The House:
Cheers All!